2 thoughts on “2011-11-16T205453Z_01_LONX100_RTRIDSP_3_SYRIA”

  1. Christopher Osullivan said:

    Any western country that was under such a sustained attack by terrorists would have had the full support of the UN Security Coucil
    The Western world should hang its head in shame
    The undermining of the legitimate Syrian government will only lead to further bloodshed and increased sectarian violence for the region


    • Womens Rights Advocate said:

      Can you imagine how Bashar Al Jaafari feels, who for almost a year now has been speaking at the UN and everyone there ignoring what he is saying when he has been speaking the truth all along. How the Syrian people feel when they can see the rest of the world killing them and only Russia and China stopping full invasion. The frustration we all feel at the injustice on Syria.


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