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The False flag Chemical attack we were expecting

The US puts down a red line and the terrorists make sure it is done. No red lines no chemical attack.


The red flag chemical attack we have been warned about for weeks has finally happened and the BBC couldn’t wait to spread the news on behalf of the terrorists.

The terrorists who refuse to leave Duma are claiming they have been attacked by chemical weapons.

Every time the US says that if Assad uses chemical weapons, it will cross the red line and the US will attack Syria. This has happened every time and is a green light for terrorists to make a fake film to say they have been attacked.

Even though President Assad gave up his chemical weapons to prevent these lies, they still keep blaming him for attacks. Every time terrorist areas are liberated, chemical weapon factories have been found. We have also seen films of the terrorists killing rabbits with chemicals and threatening to do these attacks in Europe, but still the western media spread the terrorist lies and support the terrorist groups.

Netanyahu visiting his injured ISIS fighters

The war on Syria is orchestrated by Israel to make a Greater Israel and Netanyahu has been getting increasingly irritated that he is losing the war and his ISIS terrorists are all but wiped out. Every time a terrorist controlled area is just about to be liberated, we see the US demand a ceasefire. During these ceasefires the US have sent in helicopters and rescued ISIS terrorists and moved them to another area.

The very same thing happens in terrorist held areas when they are being liberated, with the terrorists, claiming that the Syrian army has used chemical weapons on civilians. These FAKE chemical attack then flood the media, usually to take the attention away from REAL news, like the massacre happening in Palestine.

Israel has also attacked Jeremy Corbyn in Britain, claiming he is Anti-Semitic, to prevent him speaking out against the new holocaust happening in Palestine. Meanwhile Theresa May is blaming Russia for a chemical attack in Britain, without a shred of evidence.

Russia is being attacked for supporting Syria and preventing Israel taking Syria. To try and stop Putin supporting Syria the campaign of lies against Russia started, but Putin stood firm.

Weapons and chemicals found in Syria have origins in Israel and US to name a few.

All the so called Peace talks are created to fail, as the US on behalf of Israel do not want peace in Syria, they want Syria and will not stop, until they have it.

Just as Netanyahu warns US to prepare for war, it is because he is behind the chemical attacks that he knows is the red line that will take Trump into a war. Just like Obama before him, put down a red line and you know the terrorists will use this to start a war.

This is the reason Blair and Bush will never be charged for killing millions of innocent people based on a WMD lie. While they walk free, they can keep using these lies to start wars. If they are charged and put behind bars for their crimes, the wars will stop.

Now we are going to see Britain and the US walk into a full blown war with Russia, China and all other BRICS countries, at the behest of Israel with the Jewish owned media spreading the FAKE news to condone it.

Take note if you see a film in the media showing ‘white helmets’ in it, then it is guaranteed FAKE. All the chemical weapons attack films, said to have been committed by Assad, have all been made by FSA/Al Qaeda.