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Israel arrests 500 Palestinians over Facebook posts

Israel arrested 500 Palestinians, including women, children, and MPs, over their social media posts, the Palestine Centre for Prisoners Studies reported.

The centre’s spokesman Riyadh Al-Ashqar said that the Israeli authorities began arresting Palestinians for their social media posts since the start of the Jerusalem Intifada claiming such uploads incite terror against Israel.

Israel is using its recently formed “Cyber ​​Unit” to monitor Palestinian social media posts, he said.

This unit, Al-Ashqar said, classifies any Facebook post that glorifies Palestinian martyrs, discloses Israeli crimes, and supports resistance as incitement of terrorism.

Hundreds of Palestinians have been sent over over the past three years to different jail terms on the ground of incitement on social media, he charged.

Some others were placed under house arrest and denied from using social media platforms, he continued.

Al-Ashqar was severely condemned such arrests that clearly violate the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the European Convention of Human Rights.

He concluded by calling on the international community to protect the Palestinian people’s right of freedom of expression.