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ALERT INFO. Panic in Benghazi over 1,000 prisoners escaped from the prison Koyfiya BENGHAZI, Libya – A scared, panic. All Benghazi come to barricade them. Prison guards are paralyzed. A large crowd, having destroyed the headquarters of the Muslim Brotherhood, has stormed the prison where Koyfiya, she released more than 1,000 prisoners. Everyone is afraid for his life in the city.


Charche a government security official in Benghazi, Mohammed Hejazi, said that it is the whole of Libya which saw Islamist parties offices ransacked. A prison guard confirmed on condition of anonymity that most prisoners were held on serious charges.

The security situation especially in Benghazi in Libya in general is increasingly precarious and deteriorating day by day. Remember the macabre dance last year, with the lifeless body of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, the attack on the Embassy of France in Tripoli or, more recently, attempted murder failed the French consul Benghazi.

The mainstream French press, which made propaganda for the destruction of Libya, silent. Of course, bad faith and lack of intellectual honesty that it can not question his Nazi aggression on Libya and the Libyan people. But they are where Sarkozy and co?! “Arab Revolution” you say? Do not put more in Egypt, Tunisia or Libya … And say they want repeat the same feats in Syria. These people are crazy, and these revolts were put in place to weaken the Arabs.
