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© Carlos Barria
WikiLeaks has published its 33rd tranche of emails from the hacked account of Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta.

The whistleblowing organisation has now published more than 55,600 emails in a series of daily online releases which it said were building towards the November 8 presidential election.

Emails released Sunday included messages accusing Chelsea Clinton of using Clinton Foundation funds for her wedding as well as leaked transcripts of Bill Clinton’s fundraising speeches.

BREAKING: : WikiLeaks releases latest batch of emails from Clinton campaign chairhttps://www.rt.com/usa/365539-podesta-emails-32-wikileaks/ 

Photo published for #PodestaEmails32 : WikiLeaks releases latest batch of emails from Clinton campaign chair — RT...

#PodestaEmails32 : WikiLeaks releases latest batch of emails from Clinton campaign chair — RT…

WikiLeaks has released another batch of emails from Clinton campaign chair John Podesta.


READ MORE: ‘Leakers should shut up’: Podesta slams FBI probe into Hillary’s emails

WikiLeaks has claimed its email publishing servers suffered a sustained DoS attack after it released #DNCLeak2 over the weekend.

BREAKING: WikiLeaks email publication servers under targeted DoS attack since releasing DNC leak2 – @WikiLeakshttp://on.rt.com/7u2w 

Goldman Sachs speeches

In an email from January 23, 2016 Clinton Research Director Tony Carrk quoted the Democratic presidential nominee apparently expressing little appetite for prosecuting rogue Wall Street bankers.

In the mail to Clinton campaign Director of Communications Jennifer Palmieri, Press Secretary Brian Fallon and Podesta, Carrk said he was sending excerpts from Clinton’s Goldman Sachs speeches.

“I’m not interested in, you know, turning the clock back or pointing fingers,” Clinton is reported to have told Tim O’Neill, formerly of SJU Wall Street Trading Room and Credit Suisse, following a paid speech.

Clinton apparently then went on to recommend that the financial sector take a leading role in setting out regulations for their own troubled industry: “The people that know the industry better than anybody are the people who work in the industry. There’s nothing magic about regulations, too much is bad, too little is bad.”

Less than one year earlier, Democratic media adviser Mandy Grunwald suggested to Podesta in another communication leaked Monday that Clinton should take a conciliatory tone with regard to Wall Street.

“I would include something from the Maggie Haberman piece on HRC’s Goldman Sachs speech,” writes Grunwald.

“Something like, “When HRC recently spoke to bankers at Goldman Sachs, instead of holding them accountable for their activities that crashed the economy, she told them that banker bashing was foolish and had to stop. She said “soothing” that we all got into our economic problems together.”

‘Illegal ivory’ as leverage on China

Hillary Clinton directed her now-campaign chair Podesta to use reports of illegal elephant tusk smuggling by Chinese government officials as “leverage” during a 2014 White House visit to the nation.

Three days before President Obama’s visit to Beijing in November 2014, the former secretary of state highlighted a NY Times article on how Chinese delegates reportedly smuggled home poached ivory from Tanzania.

A message from Clinton’s hrod17@clintonemail.com opens by praising Podesta’s “teasing” of reporters and “flashes” of a smile at a recent press conference before asking the then-White House adviser to raise the ivory story with China’s president directly.

“On China, I know you’ll be in Beijing next week, so am sending a news report about how Xi’s official party on its visit to Tanzania loaded up their planes w poached ivory, likely w full knowledge of [President Jakaya] Kikwete’s government,” Clinton writes.

“Please raise this issue directly w XI, both because it is critical on the merits but also because it’s another way you can gain some leverage with the Chinese.”

The email subject line was, “Below is what I sent POTUS on election and China poaching.”

A ‘fact sheet’ provided by the White House regarding Obama’s visit shows discussions centered on the ebola crisis, economic relations, and a “shared vision for Afghanistan.” An effort to work together to “stop the trade in illegal wildlife products” is also mentioned.

